Friday, April 18, 2008


So, now I'm siding the neighbors house. But the deal is, I'm only going to work 20 hours a week, so it's not that bad! I figure it will only help, so I can get my BR up to where I have no worries. Poker makes it harder and harder to go to work.

I really love what I do, building stuff, has always been my thing, and I'm good at it. I've done everything from changing a door knob, to million dollar remodeling jobs. I've even done some work for a few "famous" people. 1 NHL player, 2 NCAA BB coaches, and 1 actor, who can fix anything with duct tape.(LOL) I just want to do more of it for me, and less of it for others.

I also took down yet another Thursday night home game. Only 6 people showed last night, so I only made $100, but moneys is moneys, right?

I'm sure I'll be playing a bunch this weekend, look for me in the AP minors.

Common sense ain't common,

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