Monday, April 7, 2008

Lost Bet

Well, my prop bet didn't go near as well this time around. I pretty much gave up about 30 hours into it.
I did learn from the experience though. I would need to move up faster, and take more chances, like I did the first time around, or else, just play mtt's the whole time. I'm still convinced I could do this, so I may try again in the near future.
Even though I lost the bet to my bud, I still made $250 over the weekend, after I paid him the $25. So at least it wasn't all for nothing.

I also went semi-deep in the $10 (5k), but my AA lost to AK (aipf). I would have been the chip leader with 35 left, but instead I was left with 3bb, and sent to the rail shortly after.

Peace out

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