Saturday, July 12, 2008

Vacation is Over!

Well, my mom flew back to Mn today. It was a pretty good week. We did lots of sight seeing, and I spent hours walking around craft fairs and stuff like that, because my mom is into that stuff! My step dad won a few hundred at the casino playing roulette, so he was happy. My mom, as usual, sat at the bar and played her $.25 poker with little success. Spent a day out on the Atlantic whale watching, but never saw a single one. We did get free passed to return whenever we want, so that's nice. After about 30 minutes at sea, my aunt got seasick, and spent the rest of the 4 hour trip yacking off the back of the boat!
Didn't have much time for poker this week, so nothing to report there. I did, however go on a huge blackjack tear! My BR went from 5k to 13k over the last week, so I'm well on my way to getting back into the bigger tourneys. I figure anything $100 and under is fair game now. I may even throw in the AP 75k once or twice a month.
I still have my daughter for 6 more weeks, so I'm not sure how much I'll play.

Good Luck


Thy said...

hey vikes, didn't know you had a blog..

do you mean BJ on Absolute?

Vikesfan353 said...

yes I do!

Thy said...

cough cough rigged cough cough

Thy said...

oh.. by the way feel free to add me to your blog list :o)

and yahoo, misstarina69